Project 103. Recycling of m.v. “Tristan”

In the summer of 2015, Sea2Cradle was granted another recycling project by Wallenius Shipping for the tenth time. Wallenius Shipping places great value on sustainable management of its fleet, and when the time arrived for m.v. Tristan to meet her final destination, Sea2Cradle was again chosen to assist her owner in the green recycling of their vessel.
She was taken to the recycling yard in Zhoushan, China, and Sea2Cradle managed and supervised the dismantling process from start to finish. In spite of her size, the whole process took no more than 16 weeks of which the last 4 concerned the secondary cutting and cleaning up at the yard’s site.
For more information on the project, please read on the project in Wallenius’ magazine below.